Adding isolation to water sensors
Hello all, I put off releasing more about the water quality sensors I have been working on in the background (Mini, and Leo versions of eC, DO, ORP, etc…) so that I could test some single IC solutions that I …
Hello all, I put off releasing more about the water quality sensors I have been working on in the background (Mini, and Leo versions of eC, DO, ORP, etc…) so that I could test some single IC solutions that I …
Was a good weekend trip, and got a bit of a break now to get back to business. I will start shipping Thursdays orders and on today and should be caught up by the 23rd! Thanks again to everyone for …
Just wanted to let everyone know any orders from Thursday to Sunday will get pushed up till Monday. I’ve decided to take Friday to Sunday to go fishing and finally take a vacation after 3 years of non stop busy …