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How To Burn bootloader with Uno R3 and ArduinoISP

How To Burn bootloader with Uno R3 and ArduinoISP

Posted in Uncategorized by Ryan Edwards.

I see this question asked quite often and is an early stumbling block for those either new to Arduino or have created their own design and want to use the IDE to program it easily. I decided to make a short video showing how you can use an Arduino Uno R3 with ArduinoISP to burn a bootloader on a custom design, in this case our dual relay controller!

The process is really quite straightforward. The first step is to wire up the target board to the Programmer board, while the pins might change on the programmer board the target pins will always be named the same! Since we are using an Uno the pinout in the ArduinoISP sketch is what we will be using. Once we have the pins wired up, lets load the ArduinoISP sketch on.


After the sketch is loaded on our programmer board(Uno R3) its time to tell the IDE which board type our target board is. This is important as it determines which bootloader is burned onto the target. Some bootloaders disable the internal oscillator which is a problem if your design is running the internal clock at 8mhz like a pro mini for example. In this tutorial we are using our dual relay controller which is essentially an Uno clone (external clock 16mhz) so we will choose the Uno board type.

Now its really just a matter of selecting burn bootloader with Arduino as ISP selection and waiting till the process is complete. Once the bootloader is finished being burned, the target is now able to act as an Arduino compatible device and can be programmed with the IDE!
Hopefully this short tutorial will help those who have issues with this part of the Arduino experience!

About the author


Maker Extrodinier        

A one man Making machine, from general construction, welding and electronics. I make what I need!

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